
New Year- New You?

For those of you who have tried and failed, or never thought it was worth trying at all…here are some solid strategies for setting and achieving your New Year’s goals.

The following tips are paraphrased from a Hubspot post entitled “9 Data-Backed Tips for Sticking to Your New Year’s Resolution” written by Carly Stec:


1) Write out a plan.  

Start a journal, make a note in your phone, or use one of these handy to-do list apps to keep track and hold yourself accountable.

2) Break your goals down into micro-goals.

Saving up $365 dollars sounds hard, but what about saving one dollar a day for 365 days? Similarly, losing 100 pounds sounds pretty intense, but what if you were tasked with losing 10 pounds a month over 10 months?

3) Join forces with friends & family. 

We’ve all heard the saying “strength in numbers” before, right? Setting a goal with a friend, co-worker or family member will keep you accountable and help you stay on track.

4) Tackle one goal at a time.  

While we may think we’re getting more accomplished by multitasking, we’re never really doing tasks simultaneously. Instead, our brain is forced to switch tasks quickly, which ultimately detracts from our efficiency, according to Psychology Today.

5) Make a bet.  

People are more deeply affected by losing than they are by winning. So if you really want to stick to your New Year’s resolution, make a wager with one of your friends. It could be something as simple as buying them lunch every time you skip a gym day, show up late– whatever your goal may be.

6) Precommit to your goals.

Focus on the essential elements and eliminate distractions. Want to eat healthy? Do meal prep on Sunday for the whole week. Want to ease your smartphone addiction? Leave it behind when you don’t really need it. It’s simple.

7) Talk yourself through it.  

Research suggests that tapping into your inner voice can serve as an effective way to restrain impulses and encourage motivation.

This could boil down to something as simple as telling yourself “Don’t give up” when you’re on the treadmill or reassuring yourself that “You’ve got this” before giving an important presentation.

8) Monitor your glucose levels. 

Acts of self-control have the ability to deplete large amount of glucose — and we’re more likely to fail when attempting to exercise self-control if our glucose levels are low.

Keep your glucose levels stable throughout the day, by fueling your body with protein and complex carbohydrates like those found in Greek yogurt, grilled chicken, oats, peanut butter, beans, or peas.

9) Treat yo self. 

Positive reinforcers — like a sweet treat, shopping trip, or new piece of technology you’ve had your eye on — help condition us to repeat a desired behavior. Just make sure you’re not overindulging … or using your vice as a reward.

What’s your plan for sticking to your New Year’s resolution? 

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